Inspired by the success of premium episodic television, Molly Barton launched Serial Box. In this session she discusses how their content differs from books delivered in pieces.
As the publication of diverse books moves from “latest trend” to business priority, sales reps, marketers, and retailers need tools and strategies to effectively sell these books.
Ashleigh Gardner dives deep into case studies and explores how Wattpad approaches data and discovery to identify hidden stories that translate into publishing success.
Have you taken the new-and-improved CataList for a spin yet?
Following the launch of the new SalesData system last year, we have continued adding new features while improving existing ones.
Tom Richardson reflects on standards we haven’t yet implemented, especially ONIX 3.0 for print books.
In this talk, we take a look at some of the key bits of technology being used by phase-shifting applications, and how they (and other ideas) may have a possible use in Portable Web Publications.
With a panel of industry experts and innovators, we’ll discuss current developments in the creation and distribution of audiobooks, alongside new consumer data on what listeners expect from us.
Drawing from case studies of creative and effective ways to give existing content a second life, this panel discussion will show you how to broaden your reach by using the resources you already have.
Think InDesign can’t provide quality ebook output? Think again. By applying certain rules, you can effectively eliminate the need for a separate workflow and leverage InDesign for all it’s worth.
You know a beautifully designed ebook when you see it, and you’ve got the chops to show us how it’s done.
BookNet’s BiblioShare database now holds over 2 million public records – what are we doing with all that bibliographic data?