Minding the gap: Advanced sales strategies for diverse lists

  • March 24, 2017
Now more than ever “those books don’t sell” is not an acceptable response to the lack of diversity in publishing. As the publication of diverse books moves from “latest trend” to business priority, sales reps, marketers, and retailers need tools and strategies to effectively sell these books. What are the true obstacles we face when selling? What assumptions must we dismantle to be more creative? How do we find and reach the right audiences? Join Léonicka Valcius, Tan Light, and John Toews in a collaborative brainstorming session to walk away with practical strategies you can implement right away.

More resources related to this session

What if your customers aren’t white? Reflecting diversity in publishing

Relying solely on white customers is detrimental to the growth of the industry. Expanding and diversifying the target audience right at the beginning of the sales funnel can help you get more sales.

Advanced sales strategies for selling diverse books

In this panel from Tech Forum 2017, panelists Léonicka Valcius, John Toews, and Tan light discuss how to effectively market and sell diverse book lists.

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