An overview of how Unbound uses JavaScript to solve (and create) problems in ebook production.
Yes, it is possible to create great-looking, usable illustrated ebooks that are consistent with or even improve upon the print experience, and you don’t need to make an app to do it.
This talk will touch on the challenges and solutions of Type 3.0 for engineers, designers and authors.
Keith Fretz (Scholastic) explores three main components of a successful transmedia property: attracting and retaining interest, using usage data to inform your product, and maintaining a vibrant community.
This workshop will reveal practical use cases for designing an ebook with CSS.
As more and more publishing houses bring in talented digital employees there’s a likely clash of cultures on the horizon.
Join Colleen Cunningham as she shares how F+W is introducing consistent tagging to editorial and production staff.
Websites are built with CMSes that repurpose content, use complex templating systems, and offer many other advantages to flat-file folders. Why should we (or shouldn’t we) adapt that to ebook development?
In the field of ebook development, the ideals are clear–one open standard format, universally accepted–but the reality is harshly different. Are we close to the one format to rule them all?
In this session, Anshuman Iddamsetty explains the unique power of sound and how it’s the ideal medium for fostering intimacy, trust, and loyalty.
At BookNet, we’ve been hard at work giving BNC SalesData, a thorough upgrade. Project Manager Neha Thanki gives you a sneak peek under the hood of the brand-new system.
In a rapid-fire overview of the global publishing landscape, Ed Nawotka, considers the macro-trends and some of the micro-trends at play.