book borrowing

Featuring the latest statistics on Canadian book buying, reading, and consumer habits, BookNet Canada CEO, Noah Genner, will answer all the questions you didn’t know you had.

Arm yourself with the latest research and insights from BookNet Canada and its partners relevant to the audiobook market.

The latest statistics on Canadian book buying, reading, and consumer habits. Noah will answer all the questions you didn’t know you had in this chart-friendly presentation.

Looking at recent research on sales trends, consumer behaviour, digital publishing, and more, Noah Genner offers data-driven, actionable insights to better inform your next business decision.

BookNet Canada’s Noah Genner presents consumer data on how millennials consume books, including where they’re shopping, which formats they prefer, and how they’re discovering new titles.

In this session, Noah Genner will present some of BookNet’s recent research, including not-yet-released stats.

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