Content Library
Monique Mongeon updates us on what 2022 brought for SalesData and LibraryData.

Trendspotting: Book subjects on the move in the Canadian market
- February 9, 2023
This webinar will use the most up-to-date data to reveal the emerging trends in the types of books Canadians are buying.
This presentation explores critical aspects of image descriptions and alt text, including a discussion of the collaborative effort needed to create inclusive digital content.

Give them what they need: A case study of what retailers can accomplish with good metadata
- June 8, 2023
Kieron Smith from UK’s Blackwell’s & Wordery shares insights into how they leverage the power of good metadata.

Future Book(s): Sharing Ideas on Books and (Art) Publishing
- September 27, 2023
A webinar that delves into the future of the book with Pia Pol, the publisher and co-director at Valiz.

Redefining the book supply chain: A glimpse into the future
- November 30, 2023
In this talk, Book Industry Study Group Executive Director Brian O’Leary suggests visionary ideas about the book industry as it could be.
An in-depth presentation of the most recent data on Canadian book buyers, readers, and consumers.
Join BookNet Canada’s President and CEO Noah Genner for an in-depth presentation on the Canadian book market.

Applying AI to publishing: A balanced and ethical approach
- September 10, 2024
Explore the future of publishing with George Walkley, a publishing veteran and leading authority on AI and its applications.
Can machines improve the storytelling process? Monica Landers and Mary Brendza (StoryFit) show how an AI-powered analysis can help storytellers visualize their stories and share real-life examples to support publishing decisions.
BookNet Canada Bibliographic Manager and general standards person, Tom Richardson provides your yearly standards overview with a focus on metadata basics.

Trending now: Book subjects on the move in the Canadian market
- February 27, 2024
BookNet Canada’s Lily Dwyer and Kalpna Patel dig deep into the data to show you the book subjects on the move in the Canadian book market.